Walther Trowal GmbH & Co. KG

The economic implementation of the standards for the Machinery Directive is a difficult balancing act between safety and costs. If you are looking for additional competence and broad practical experience, Mr. Lauer is exactly the right person.

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Tüllmann,
Deputy head of machine and plant construction, CE representative Walther Trowal GmbH & Co. KG

For more than 80 years Walther Trowal is nationally and internationally recognized as developer and manufacturer of special machines and system solutions in the field of surface technology. Constant research and development have resulted in a multitude of further application possibilities from the original process of vibratory finishing technology. Vibratory finishing with the corresponding process water technology, blasting technology and coating are developed for a wide range of tasks by customer order and are also integrated into interlinked systems.

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Tüllmann: “Walther Trowal actually sells a process, the practical implementation of which includes machines in addition to processing aids such as grinding wheels and compounds. In fact, we are special purpose machine manufacturers, because every customer has individual expectations of our process. Therefore, the requirements for documentation, risk assessment and safety according to the machine directive are particularly high for us. These issues are also becoming increasingly important for customers.

Therefore we are continuously expanding the internal competence at Walther Trowal. The documentation, for example, has always been done in-house. Mr. Lauer and his team have been brought in for additional tasks: For risk assessments of some standard solutions, for training courses on the Machinery Directive for the employees of the Technical Office and Sales and above all as consultants with an enormous wealth of experience in the application of the standards.

From the very beginning, it was our aim to transfer the know-how of Lauer CE-Safety GmbH to our company. Mr. Lauer has thoughtfully supported us in this process. He tailored his training courses exactly to our company and its special issues. In him I always find a competent contact person, who is always ready to help with words and deeds without delay. The cooperation with Lauer CE-Safety GmbH is also recommended if you seek for short term external advice only.”


Dipl.-Ing. Michael Tüllmann has been working for Walther Trowal in the technical office for machinery and plant design since 1997. The deputy head of design also fulfils the tasks of the CE coordinator. In 2010 he selected Mr. Lauer as external consultant and trainer on topics of the machinery directive and risk assessment among several competitors.