Reiner Bockbreder

Dipl.-Ing. (chartered engineer)

Risk Assessment

Main focus:

- CE marking
- Risk assessments
- Safe work equipment according to the Directive 2009/104/EC
- Machine and plant safety

Contact information

Trained electrical installer - Studies at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück in the field of electrical engineering/electrical power engineering - Degree as Dipl.-Ing. in electrical engineering - Further training as Quality Manager DGQ - Further training and appointment as Laser Safety Officer - Experience in the development and project planning of electrical drive technology, in quality management (DIN EN ISO 9001), in qualitative consulting and the monitoring of measures to eliminate quality problems. Safety engineering consultant for products and complex systems in industrial furniture production and strategic coordination in solving identified safety problems. Reorganization of the creation of CE documents and development of a modular structure of risk assessments, which facilitates the creation and maintenance of documentation.

Since 2012 employed at the CE-Safety team. Here he is an expert for risk assessments of various types of machines and systems, advises companies on safety-related designs and organisational processes relating to safety.