What changes does the new EU Machinery Regulation bring about? It was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on June 29, 2023. All stakeholders of the machinery industry have since been able take a look at what new rules they will be facing after a transition period of 42 months.
Sept. 27, 4 p.m.: Lauer CE-Safety put you up to speed
But what exactly does the new "Machinery" Regulation (EU) 2023/1230 contain? For whom do changes come into effect on 20.01.2027?
Lauer CE-Safety specialist Christoph Vrenegor has inspected the new directive closely. In his webinar, which he hosts in cooperation with the IHK Nordwestfalen (North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce), he will provide an overview. The online event will be held at 4 p.m. on Sept. 27.
All stakeholders are invited to join and learn about the changes they will be confronted with once the current Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC has been replaced.
Secure your seat now!
To participate in the webinar, simply register with the IHK Nordwestfalen using the following link: https://veranstaltungen.ihk-nordwestfalen.de/b/?p=eu-maschinenverordnung&host=veranstaltungen.ihk-nordwestfalen.de
This is Christoph Vrenegor
The graduate engineer in electrical engineering has been an integral part of the team of experts at Lauer CE-Safety since 2020. Primarily, he’s an expert in the fields of functional safety, verification & validation. But his expertise also covers risk assessments for a wide variety of machine and plant types.